bogominitrain not working

Edvard Majakari edvard.majakari at
Fri May 27 13:19:23 CEST 2005

Might be already fixed, but bogominitrain seems to have some bug in recent
versions - I get the folowing message

| Error accessing file or directory '/home/ed/.bogofilter'.
| error #9 - Bad file descriptor.

every time I run bogominitrain. Changing line

print `$bogoutil -w $dir .MSG_COUNT`,"\n";


print `$bogoutil -w $dir/wordlist.db .MSG_COUNT`,"\n";

seems to correct the problem. I use bogofilter version 0.94.4.

# Edvard Majakari		Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available    	Soli Deo Gloria!

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the firstplace. Therefore,
 if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition,
 not smart enough to debug it."  -- Brian W. Kernighan

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