Is bogofilter classifying algorithm "symetrical"

Marek Zachara marek.zachara at
Wed May 25 17:54:43 CEST 2005

I'll try to explain my question using an example:

lets assume i have two sets of data i.e.  HAMD and SPAMD and two installation
of bogofilter (testbeds):

I train the bogofilter supplying HAMD set of data as ham and SPAMD as spam
(trival case).

this time the vice versa:  I train the bogofilter supplying HAMD as spam and
SPAMD as ham.

now the question is: after training the two instances as above, if I supply
any further message for classification to both testbeds, will the following
be always true:
spamicity(testbed1) = 1-spamicity(testbed2) ?

why i'm asking this is because i know that scrapping a "ham" message is much
worse than letting through a spam, so bogofilter may have some mechanisms
that if in doubt favour classification as "ham".

I will really be grateful for the answer.

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