Serious Problem - db log file owner

David Relson relson at
Tue May 24 01:27:01 CEST 2005

On Mon, 23 May 2005 12:48:57 +0200
Matthias Andree wrote:

> Petr Danecek <danecek at> writes:
> > first of all, let me thank you for the wonderful software which saves me
> > lots of time and sorts out hundreds of spam emails a day!
> Thank you.
> > it mostly works very well, but once a month or so, the berkley db
> > creates a new log file in the ~/.bogofilter directory which is owned by
> > root and not by the user. as a consequence, i get in the mailbox only
> > empty files!! i can only guess if they were only spams or some important
> > documents.
> So
> 1. run bogofilter trainings under the right user's account (check the
>    su(1) command), or put all bogofilter enabled users into a common
>    root and run bogofilter with umask 02 (this requires a somewhat
>    recent bogofilter versions, older would not leave the group write
>    permission bit enabled).


What would happen if your system had a special group for running
bogofilter, e.g. bogo, and used SGID for the bogofilter directory and
bogofilter and bogoutil executables?

As a quick test, the following seems to work:

   mkdir bogodir
   chgrp bogo bogodir bogofilter bogoutil
   chmod g+s  bogodir bogofilter bogoutil
   ./bogofilter -d bogodir --db-transaction=yes -n < /dev/null
   ls -l bogodir


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