Statistics? Graphics?

David Relson relson at
Sun May 22 04:00:27 CEST 2005

On Sat, 21 May 2005 11:46:40 -0700
David Carmean wrote:

> Here's where I am after a few hours of learning to use Ploticus 
> and writing a couple of perl scripts to parse the log I've been 
> keeping of message spamicity scores:
> You can see where I upgraded from 0.17.2 to 0.94.11 on May 14.  
> You can also see by the large number of green points the few weeks 
> before that how I was having more and more trouble with unflagged 
> spam. (I had been kind of lazy with keeping up on the training).
> On that day I also purged my wordlist of all tokens more than 
> a year old.
> The points above 1.000 and below 0.000 are Ploticus's point "clustering" 
> feature for scatterplots which makes multiple coincident points more visible 
> by ofsetting them a little.
> Once I get this all dialed in I'll share my perl and Ploticus scripts 
> with all who wish.

Hi David,

That'll be pretty cool.  I've got a variety of statistics gathered
(mostly stats from procmail logs, i.e. number of messages put in
various folders, e.g. spam, relson, ...).  I also have a record of
corrections (FP, FN, etc) fed to bogofilter.

A while back I did a quick/dirty plot of the procmail spam counts.
It's rude and crude and needs cleaning.  For those who're interested,
it's at



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