Error 2 executing bogo in procmail

David Relson relson at
Mon May 16 01:20:59 CEST 2005

On Sun, 15 May 2005 15:46:58 -0700
Kevin Williams wrote:

> i call procmail from .qmail and inside .procmailrc i do:
> :0fw
> | bogofilter -u -l -d /var/qmail/mailnames/
> ...and then...
> :0
> * ^X-Bogosity: Spam, tests=bogofilter
> /.Junk/
> However, the log for procmail is always similar too:
> procmail: [4376] Sun May 15 15:10:35 2005
> procmail: Assigning "DEBUG=yes"
> procmail: Executing
> "bogofilter,-u,-l,-D,-d,/var/qmail/mailnames/"
> procmail: Program failure (2) of "bogofilter"
> procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded
> and then it matches an error rule in procmail.  I have already trained
> bogofilter and the wordlist and .bogofilter directory is chmod 666
> (for now) so it cant be a permissions thing.  Could it be that I
> trained it wrong?  I'm using maildir mailboxes and I train like this:
> bogofilter -d /var/qmail/mailnames/ -nMB Maildir/.Trash/
> bogofilter -d /var/qmail/mailnames/ -sMB Maildir/.Junk/
> -Kevin

Hi Kevin,

It sounds like you've recently upgraded from an old version to a new
version.  Effective with version 0.93.0, bogofilter's default
classification mode changed from two-state (Yes/No) mode to three-state
mode (Spam/Ham/Unsure).  Part of tri-state classification is to
use of rc=0 for spam, rc=1 for ham, and rc=2 for unsure.  

The most common solution is to use bogofilter's "-e" option and then
test for "^X-Bogosity: Spam" in your Junk rule.



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