Bug#293207: bogofilter: Any fix found?

Dann Daggett dann at exposim.com
Sat Mar 5 02:48:06 CET 2005

> My environment is postfix+procmail+bogofilter. 
> My wordlist is in /var/spool/bogofilter and it is shared by all
> Here're the permissions for the bogofilter directory and its files:
> drwxr-x--x  3 root root     4096 Mar  4 18:27
> -rw-------  1 root mail  1048564 Mar  4 18:27

Thank you David.

Your permissions would seem to indicate only a process running as root
would be able to open them (same as mine). Since your wordlist is
shared by all users that would make sense that the process runs as the
same owner each time (be that root or not) and that you would not
encounter the same problem I am.

Since I have different wordlists for each user, the process runs as
each user, and therefore it doesn't have permission to access the
files. So I think I need a way to tell whatever process is creating
the log files (be it bogofilter, DB, or logrotate) that the newly
created file be owned by the user that owns the directory (or
something like that).

Another difference is that my /home/dann/.bogofilter
   drwx------    2 dann     root         4096 Mar  4 15:36 .
is drwx------ and not drwxr-x--x like yours is, but I doubt that

Anyway, I'm still wondering if I'm on the right track :)


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