SPAN style="DISPLAY: none" spams

Tony L. Svanstrom tony at
Sat Jul 30 00:37:14 CEST 2005

On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 the voices made Tom Anderson write:

TA> ----- Original Message -----
TA> From: "Tony L. Svanstrom" <tony at>

TA> > If you were to get a (snailmail) envelope with 1 page containing all the
TA> > data
TA> > that you want, and then, in the same envelope, the same data but on 10
TA> > pages
TA> > and in a format making it harder for you to "access" it (read, understand,
TA> > work
TA> > with etc); then you wouldn't think twice about discarding those unwanted
TA> > 10
TA> > pages.
TA> I wouldn't want to receive Time magazine as black-and-white, single-spaced,
TA> unformatted 8.5x11 sheets stapled together.

 You can't compare a magazine (maybe 100s of pages) with e-mails, not even HTML
e-mails is used/suitable for that much content; if you'd get Time magazine by
e-mail it'd be in the form of a PDF-file.

 You keep on using very simple straw man-argumenting; and as long as you can't
just keep to what's being talked about there's no need to continue this... this
is my last e-mail in this "thread".

TA>  Amish do not use electricity.  If they do, they are Mennonite, not Amish.

 The Mennonites are not just Amish with a relaxted attitude towards more modern
things; the split between the Amish and the Mennonites goes back to the 17:th
century, it goes back to Jacob Amman.

 The Amish are not just one group of people, there are some areas where they've
chosen to use electricity in some ways; I seriously doubt that you'll find any
Amish using electricity of the main grid, but you will find Amish using
batteries/windmills/solarcells/generators for some things, like electric
fences and lights so that they are seen by other traffic etc.

 Just google for more information regarding this, or I'm sure Wikipedia can
help you learn more about the Amish.

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