SPAN style="DISPLAY: none" spams

Tom Allison tallison at
Wed Jul 27 11:13:26 CEST 2005

Tony L. Svanstrom wrote:

>  One of the things that I'm considering is to either delete all HTML-parts (and
> HTML-only e-mails), rejecting them or in one way or another refuse this "HTML-
> mess" to even reach as far as where bogofilter must "guess" on if the e-mail is
> spam or ham.

HTML is easier to detect.

Think about it.

Marketing and Spam is all about the glitz.
ASCII ain't glitz unless you're UBER.
HTML does all that "glossy brochure" crap

Remove the HTML and you remove most of your evidence.
You also probably remove all your email from non-uber friends.

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