Program failure (-11) ?

Greg McCann greg at
Wed Feb 9 18:13:07 CET 2005

Hi all,

I just noticed that bogofilter is failing with "Program failure (-11)" whenever I try to update the wordlist from a spamtrap account.

With "VERBOSE=on", the procmail log shows this:

procmail: Executing "bogofilter,-eps,-d/home/bogofilter"
procmail: Program failure (-11) of "bogofilter"
procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded

I am using bogofilter version 0.93.4, compiled with --disable-transactions, and my wordlist has 666 permissions:

# ls -l /home/bogofilter/wordlist.db
-rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root      1003520 Feb  9 09:04 /home/bogofilter/wordlist.db

I don't have any trouble updating the wordlist as root with bogofilter -s, but it is failing when run as the spamtrap user.

If I su to spamtrap and try running bogofilter from the command line, I get:

$ bogofilter -eps -d./ < badspam.txt
Segmentation fault

May I have a clue, please?

BTW, this worked okay with a previous version of bogofilter - 0.91.1.

Thank you,

Greg McCann

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