problem in training

Yair Zohar yair at
Tue Sep 28 21:43:55 CEST 2004

I've tried these:
#> ./randomtrain -s ~/junk/Maildir/tmp/ -n ~/junk/Maildir/cur/

where dir 'tmp' contains all the spam mails and dir 'cur' contains the 
ham in a Maildir format.
the response is:

spam  reg   good  reg
   96   12    360    8

(I don't know what reg means)

I checked some of the unwanted mails by :

#> cat 'unwanted mail that was in the dir tmp'  | bogofilter -vvv

I saw bogofilter is not familiar with the words of this mail so I 
realized the training didn't work as I expected.

so I tried:

#> -fnv ~/.bogofilter ~/junk/Maildir/cur/ 
~/junk/Maildir/tmp/ '-o 0.9,0.3'

that gave:

Starting with this database:
                                 spam   good
.MSG_COUNT          12      8

End of run #1 (in 0s):
Read 0 ham mails and 0 spam mails.
Added 0 ham mails and 0 spam mails to the database.
                                 spam   good
.MSG_COUNT          12      8

False negatives: 0
False positives: 0

1 run needed to close off.

It seems it did nothing, but I could understand that randomtrain 
inserted only 20 mails to the database,
12 spam and 8 good (out of about 420  mails  ~ 320 good ~100 spam).

The .bogofilter dir is in the users home dir, I ran the training 
commands as this user.
in the .qmail file of this user I plan to put:

| /var/qmail/bin/condredirect michal-spam /usr/bin/bogofilter -o 0.75 
0.45 -u

but that only after I finish the training

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