Command syntax problem

David Relson relson at
Sat Sep 25 00:51:52 CEST 2004

On Fri, 24 Sep 2004 14:09:07 -0700 (PDT)
Charles Hewson wrote:


> [cahewson] ./Bogofilter-new/bin/bogofilter -C -D -v -M -o0.45,0.4 -Q
> sc 0.0000, hc 0.0000
> val 1197288.0000
> val 1197293.0000
> sc 1197288.0000, hc 1197293.0000
> # bogofilter version 0.92.6

Looks like a problem with strtod().  The simplest explanation is that
SunOS defines it in a different header file than does Linux and that the
compiler doesn't know strtod() returns a double.  This would then cause
a conversion error in xatof.c

As a first test, add the following line:

  extern double strtod (char *, char **);

to xatof.c and return the "-Q" test.

As a second test, run this command:

  grep -r -w strtod /usr/include/

to find out which header file defines the function.



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