new file --- GETTING.STARTED

Laurence ljng at
Mon Oct 25 18:14:40 CEST 2004

Just caught up with the original email from David.  Other comments (nit 
picks ;) as follows (changes marked with underscores):

> Bogofilter uses a database for storing its tokens and their ham
> and spam counts.  The file is commonly called "the wordlist" and
> its standard location is ~/.bogofilter/wordlist.db.

it_'_s standard location is ~/.bogofilter/wordlist.db.

> Bogofilter works with many mail transfer agents (such as postfix,
> sendmail, and qmail) and many mail delivery agents (for example
> procmail and maildrop).  Each of these has its own configuration

procmail and maildrop).  Each of these has it_'_s own configuration

> As time goes by and bogofilter encounters messages that it can't
> classify with certaintly, there will be messages classified as

classify with certaint__y, there will be messages classified as

> "Unsure".  As these messages are in the "gray" area, meaning "not
> clearly ham and not clearly spam" it's useful to have your MUA
> filter these messages so you can use them to train bogofilter.

filter these messages _into a separate folder (or mailbox)_ so you can use 
them to train bogofilter.

> Bogofilter can only do a good job if it has accurate and
> comprehensive information in its wordlist.

comprehensive information in it_'_s wordlist.

> Filtering "Unsure" messsages into a separate folder (or mailbox),
> and separating them into spam and ham, gives a good set of

and _then manually reclassifying_ __ them into spam and ham, gives a good 
set of

> Once you've use bogofilter for a while, you may wish to optimize
> its classification parameters.  The bogotune utility uses your

Once you've use_d_ bogofilter for a while, you may wish to optimize
it_'_s classification parameters.  The bogotune utility uses your

> Operating specific README files:

Operating System specific README files:

</apostrophe police mode>



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