speeding up bogofiltering

Trevor Smith trevor at haligonian.com
Mon Nov 29 19:43:58 CET 2004

For a while I've been using bogofilter on my single-user laptop by interfacing 
directly with KMail's (part of KDE) filters. There is actually an anti-spam 
wizard built in that autodetects bogofilter and sets up a filter to pipe 
incoming messages through bogofilter and etc.

For a while I've noticed that this slows KMail down so that it becomes 
relatively unresponsive. The rest of my system remains snappy but there are 
large delays with window redrawing in KMail itself. Maybe spawning tons of 
shells to run bogofilter individually on each message slows things down? I 

Anyway, I'm thinking I'd like to explore the more traditional ways of getting 
mail and piping it into bogofilter to see if they are preferable for me. Even 
though I'm just one user, I figure I can still use fetchmail or whatever and 
that might alleviate the unresponsiveness I'm experiencing.

So, assuming I can get sendmail and fetchmail running smoothly, which is it 
that would actually do the passing of messages to bogofilter

Trevor Smith // trevor at haligonian.com

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