Bogofilter -u ??? - thread: 0.93.1 and DB_CONFIG flags

Tom Anderson tanderso at
Fri Nov 12 23:11:28 CET 2004

From: "Michael Gale" <michael.gale at>
> Besides the added system load ... do people find this option helps ??
> I am currently using Bogofilter with the -u -p -e option on my postfix 
> gateway box and any messages that are misclassified got put into a public 
> folder and are automatically reclassified.
> With out this option your wordlist would only get updated on error ? Would 
> the "always training" be more accurate ?

Yes, absolutely.  Since false positives are rare, by design, if you only 
updated on error without using -u, then you would primarily have spams in 
your database and very few hams.  My emails are classified at least as much 
by hammy tokens as by spammy tokens.  I wouldn't want to miss those.  The 
likely result would be more false positives.


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