list spam

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Thu Nov 11 15:05:22 CET 2004

Tom Anderson <tanderso at> writes:

> It's too narrow.  What's the point of leaving html out?  You're just
> going to frustrate new list members.

No, we won't.

All mailers I know shipping with preconfigured text/html
will actually send multipart/alternative:

* multipart/alternative

The list software will

1. strip the text/html part out,

2. see that multipart/alternative container has only one sub-part,
   and unpack the text/plain part to the top level, discarding the
   multipart/ container.

3. post the remaining single-part text/plain mail.

If someone is sending text/html, has
instructions to switch that to sane settings,
for most mailers.

Matthias Andree

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