(no subject)

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at gmx.de
Wed Nov 10 01:08:15 CET 2004

"Robin Bowes" <robin-lists at robinbowes.com> writes:

> That said, I *did* consult the RELEASE.NOTES file. It told me to consult
> README.db, so I consulted README.db. The most obvious relevant section
> appears to be section 2.2 "Upgrading from non-transactional releases of
> bogofilter (before 0.93)". I followed these instructions and all appeared
> well. However, there is no mention of the lock table exhaustion problem in
> this section. Can I humbly suggest that you add an additional step to the
> upgrade process that mentions the issue and refers to sections 3.2 and
> 4.2?

Yes you can, and the changes is in CVS.

I am wondering if this is a condition that needs to be handled
automatically and transparently, and how such may work. Internally, we
might need some cleanup and consolidation first, so it might take some
time to appear, and there are additional pitfalls for us as programmers
that can involve considerable overhead to get the code right.

> I will calculate the required values as documented in section 4.2 of
> README.db to which you referred me in your initial response to my original
> post.
> Can I suggest that some sort of utility to do this would be useful?
> Perhaps bogofilter should even increase the DB config itself if it
> encounters DB errors?

I wondered about that. The difficult part is calculating the sizes right
when bogofilter is used with multiple wordlists and not just wordlist.db
- which ones do we consider to calculate the lock table size? All?

I'm also not sure if we can return the corresponding retry codes because
lock table exhaustion currently causes an abort of the application and
AFAIK we need to close the data base to resize the lock tables - few
parts in bogofilter are prepared to retry a whole situation.

A helper script would probably be easier for now.

What can we do if the user specifies a narrower set of wordlists at the
time we run into the problem? We end up figuring the wrong size...

Plus, the exact lock table size depends on the use. "bogoutil -d" is a
good way to figure if the table is large enough.

Matthias Andree

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