Setup help: UW-imap and default folders (RH 9)

Andreas Pardeike andreas at
Mon Nov 8 08:45:04 CET 2004

On 8 nov 2004, at 04.59, Chris Wilkes wrote:

> You might also encounter some resistance with the "unsure" directory --
> I have enough trouble having people check their spam folders daily
> (24 hours after they check it those emails get moved into an oldspam
> directory) as its "too much trouble."  I can't imagine asking them to
> check another directory.

That's why I chose to not present spam to users at all. Instead, I use
the two-state configuration and treat every spam as possible-ham. I put
it into an 'unsure' database and send out a verification email to the
sender. Usually, those bounce almost immediately with an error in which
case I drop the original spam from my database. In the (very rare) case
that someone replies with the instructions in the verification email I
simply unlock the false positive from my database and move it to the
recipients inbox.

It's quite a resource hook to send email to all those faked senders but
I simply don't care. One thing that I have is cpu time. One thing I 
have is users that have the time or behaviour to go through their spam
in a reliable way.

Andreas Pardeike

PS: I use a special account to send out those confirmation emails. It
does not accept any other email except for the confirmations. This way,
I avoid giving any feedback about the state or existence of the original
recipient email address nor do I create more spam.

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