Scoring Parameters - Old vs New

Peter Bishop pgb at
Wed Mar 31 15:50:32 CEST 2004

On 1 Apr 2004 at 7:43, David Relson wrote:

> For testing I used the 80,500 ham and 67,500 spam accumulated in the
> 18 months I've been running bogofilter.  I was curious about the
> effects of full training vs. a small training vs. a large training
> set:
>     small - trained with 10% and scored 90%
>     large - trained with 90% and scored 10%
>     full  - trained and scored all messages

I think there could be some bias in these tests. Really you should 
test with *different* hams and spams to the ones you trained on.

Currently the overlap between  test and training sets is 10% for the 
small test, 90% for the large test and 100% for the full test.

If we assume that bogofilter scores better on emails it has already 
been trained on, this might explain why you get much lower false 
positive numbers with full training than 90% training,
e.g. for "new" you get 

3 fp with 90% training
0 fp with 100% training

This is a big difference for a relatively small increase in the  

But it is what you would expect if it is only the emails that *have 
not* been used for training that are likely appear in the false 
positive scores

Peter Bishop 
pgb at
pgb at

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