repetitive training

Greg Louis glouis at
Tue Mar 9 13:35:55 CET 2004

On 20040309 (Tue) at 1310:50 +0100, Boris 'pi' Piwinger wrote:

> > The most important disagreement we have is over the value of
> > reoptimizing parameters after training; I claim it's moderately useful
> > to do so, pi seems to feel it's too far from what happens in
> > production
> Even worse, I feel it will break the training so far which
> is made to fit with the given parameters.

Not in my experience.  As I mentioned, I tune my production parameters
every 8 weeks or so, and as a sanity check I always compare performance
of the old with the new parameter set.  The only time the old was ever
better than the new was found to be due to a bug in bogotune (my fault,
not David's) -- when fixed, bogotune gave a different parameter set
that was better than the pre-tuning one.

> So what I would like to see in you latest experiment are the
> actual parameters used for each round. And possibly for each
> round the error rate before and after the tuning.

I'll dig through the detailed log when I get time, and add tables of
parameters to the writeup at
-- I agree that's useful info.  (Usually I append the detailed log to
the writeup, but for these experiments it's too voluminous to be worth
posting in its entirety.)  The error rate before tuning is there
already; for iteration n, it's reported on line n-1 of the table of
error rates.

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Subject: Re: repetitive training
     To: bogofilter <bogofilter at>
   From: Greg Louis <glouis at>
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