db maintenance "delete oldest least used tokens, but maintain count of x"

Greg Louis glouis at dynamicro.on.ca
Tue Mar 9 13:07:58 CET 2004

On 20040308 (Mon) at 2038:38 -0500, Tom Allison wrote:
> So the MSG_COUNT isn't decreased by any maintenance functions (-a -c -n)?
> I assumed it was rebuilt if you reloaded the database from text.  But I 
> guess this isn't case on further inspection.

How could it be?  The database doesn't record which message a given
token came from.

> I assume then for proper care and feeding of bogofilter, there really 
> isn't much reason (rather, requirement) to use any of the maintenance 
> utilities unless you have performance needs.
> Am I close?

I would agree with this, yes.  And if performance needs dictate a
culling of the training db, I think the right way to do that is to
chuck it out and build a new one from current spam and nonspam (of
course this is only practical if you get a fairly large amount of mail,
but if you don't, you're not likely to suffer performance problems

| G r e g  L o u i s         | gpg public key: 0x400B1AA86D9E3E64 |
|  http://www.bgl.nu/~glouis |   (on my website or any keyserver) |
|  http://wecanstopspam.org in signatures helps fight junk email. |

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