training to exhaustion?

Tom Allison tallison at
Tue Mar 9 12:11:03 CET 2004

I've been doing the following and have one question.
How many times to train the whole list?  I've on iteration number 6 
right now and I have two emails that are still coming up spam.

Another question:
These have all been filtered once, should I kill the 'N' option after 
the first time through since they were only mis-read once?  (I'm 
guessing probably?)

tallison at janus:~/Maildir/.training.spam/cur> for F in `ls *`; do 
bogofilter < $F ||  bogofilter -Nsvv < $F; done
# 273 words, 1 message
# 139 words, 1 message
# 431 words, 1 message
# 548 words, 1 message
# 184 words, 1 message

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