db maintenance "delete oldest least used tokens, but maintain count of x"

Tom Allison tallison at tacocat.net
Tue Mar 9 02:38:38 CET 2004

Boris 'pi' Piwinger wrote:
> Matthias Andree <matthias.andree at gmx.de> wrote:
>>>I'm not sure what to do about .MSG_COUNT either.  My educated guess is
>>>"don't worry.  do nothing."
>>Won't work in the long run. One half of your tokens have expired,
>>.MSG_COUNT is way too large.
> That seems to be the problem with all token removal. I wrote
> something about this in the FAQ (not yet included, David has
> it for review).

So the MSG_COUNT isn't decreased by any maintenance functions (-a -c -n)?

I assumed it was rebuilt if you reloaded the database from text.  But I 
guess this isn't case on further inspection.

I assume then for proper care and feeding of bogofilter, there really 
isn't much reason (rather, requirement) to use any of the maintenance 
utilities unless you have performance needs.

Am I close?

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