passthrough training?

Tom Allison tallison at
Fri Mar 5 12:54:37 CET 2004

David Relson wrote:

>>* ^FROM_someidiot at
>>| bogofilter -ps | razor-report
>>It comes out STDOUT OK, but will it learn?
> Tom,
> Why ask when you can easily give it a try.  Let us know what happens!
> David

Because I'm fundamentally terrified of hosing my wordlist!
Being somewhat new, it's unfamiliar and therefore something to stay away 
from.  Unknown breeds fear.  I can't be any more blunt than that.

So I tried this:

first, backup wordlist to text file (bogoutil -d)

bogofilter -pNs < mailfile
bogofilter -vv <mailfile
bogofilter -pnS <mailfile
bogofilter -vv <mailfile

a few times with different emails, and played with some -vvv options 
too.  This appears to return the database back to where it started.

It seems that:
1) -p works very nicely with these other options to teach/correct
2) I'm slowly learning about the Care and Feeding of bogofilter.

I also made the wonderful mistake of accidentally changing my min_devs 
such that robx was outside this window.  The resulting amount of unsure 
mail was intense.
But it taught me how well (and why) this works.  The difference was 
astounding the main robx contributions were the bayesian gibberish they 
so love to dump upon us.

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