Keeping the cruft out (was Re: no To: header in emails)

Bob George mailings02 at
Wed Mar 3 16:55:44 CET 2004

"Eric Wood" <eric at> wrote:

> Bob George wrote:
> > I'm going to some lengths to avoid cruft in bayes as well:
> I know there are mailling list purists here that would like to move this
> dicussion on the procmail mail list (which I'm also a member of), but I
> believe there should be a little more maildrop/procmail help on the
> bogofilter website to get people started in the right direction.

I very much like the focus of bogofilter -- do one thing fast and well. But I
also want to make sure I'm doing what I can outside of it to keep it working
optimally. Spamassassin has the bayes_ignore_header feature, but I've missed
anything similar for bogofilter (not a criticism!), so I've written a small
filter to strip out locally-added headers before training. I don't want to
use -H because there are plenty of useful tags in the headers that I DO want

Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way. Is there a way to flag a
phrase/header so it's NOT used in scoring one way or the other? To "drop" items
learned in error? I could then just feed a file with "things to ignore" once.
I've re-read the manpage, but don't see anything obvious.

- Bob

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