bogofilter setup in multi-user

Tom Allison tallison at
Wed Jun 30 03:18:02 CEST 2004

.rp wrote:
> We use sendmail8.12 and procmail.
> In the system wide procmailrc we start off by using a few rules we want run before 
> bf'ing a message.
> Now we need to find out which enduser is the intended recipient
> #ok, who is this being processed for?
> :0 fhw
> | formail -I "X-for: $LOGNAME"

I like this part.  Nice way of storing off who it's for.
I have a question though, if this is sent to three people and you are 
running this through one system wide procmailrc, what kind of entries do 
you get for this Header?

> Then we go through and see if it is for someone with special needs in their filtering
> #if for Rick -  do a special run for them
> :0 H
> * ^X-for:.*risks
> {
> :0fw
>  |bogofilter  -e -p -t -o .81,.39 -l -d /home/bf-R
> :0e
> :0
> }
> :0 H
> * ^X-for:.*(gren|bhot|tlale)
> {
> :0fw
>  |bogofilter  -e -p  -o .85,.1-d /home/bf-GHT
> :0e
> :0
> }
> Then we run the standard bogofilter for the company on the rest 
> :0fw:filter.lck
>  |bogofilter  -e -p -t
> #if bogofilter failed, return mail to MTA queue
> :0e

I assume that the RGHT people have "special needs" in their spam 
filtering (aka, the big bosses) and everyone else gets the default 
bogofilter files in the last string (filter.lck)?

This is a neat set-up.  What I especially like is that you have been 
able to circumvent the need for anyone of these users to have a $HOME 
defined for them, allowing for you to set up virtual hostings and 
non-unix usernames (eg: nothing in /etc/passwd).

This leads me to a really strange question that I'll post as another 
thread regarding databases.

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