spam addrs

Tom Anderson tanderso at
Tue Jun 15 17:11:03 CEST 2004

From: "David Relson" <relson at>
> Bogofilter has many optional features.  I doubt that anyone uses them
> all.  Additionally there are frameworks included, such as support of
> different charsets, that are awaiting users to be completed.

True enough.  I'm not an expert in much of that stuff, but seeing as I've
done some research into this particular functionality, I just want to ensure
that you're aware of the possible shortfalls of what you're trying to
implement.  Feel free to ignore my comments as you please.

> I've provided another capability that is of interest/value to some
> users.  Most users will not use it.  If, in actual use, it doesn't fit
> the need of a particular site, then the sysadmin can change the code.
> I'm not going to translate perl regex's to C :-)

Which is why perl is perhaps better at this task, and also why I don't think
it should bloat bogofilter's code.  If your solution is to be implemented
as-is, then my main suggestion is to clearly document that the IP address
provided has a decent probability of being incorrect.

> True thoroughness wouldn't assume a class B network.  It would use the
> netmask.  IP addresses just above/below the server's address block
> _could_ belong to a spammer, a spammer's network, or an open relay.

That's true, though unlikely.  The class B assumption is quicker to
implement, but you're right.  I think I'll modify spamitarium to take that
into account.  What's the best way to get the mask, ifconfig?  Maybe I'll
look into using Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper, Net::Interface,
NetworkInfo::Discovery, or Net::Netmask.  Anyone have experience with any of


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