Documentation for new features?

Greg McCann greg at
Tue Jun 8 05:52:15 CEST 2004

I downloaded .91 today and am trying to set it up using an ignore list.

It is mostly working, but there is some strange behavior I can't figure out yet and as far as I can tell, the documentation has not yet been updated to explain how the registration options work with multiple wordlists.

I have two wordlists, configured in as:

wordlist r,wordlist,wordlist.db,2
wordlist i,ignore,ignorelist.db,1

When I register spam, I obviously want it to only update "wordlist" and ignore "ignorelist".

A simple "bogofilter -eps" without any options seems to be working for the most part to register spam.  However, even though it is not actually writing to the ignore list, it does seem to be opening it in write mode, since the file mod time of ignorelist.db changes every time I register spam even though the contents of the file does not change.

I found some hints in a preliminary discussion of this feature by David on 17 May, but the options given there don't seem to work quite right.

Greg McCann

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