SPAM with lots of random words and good words

David Relson relson at
Mon Jan 19 14:45:31 CET 2004

On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 15:22:08 +0530
Manvendra Bhangui <mbhangui at> wrote:


> I have been seeing few messages like the one forwarded below. These
> mails have lot of good words. These get past bogofilter the first
> time.
> Is it advisable to increase the value of robx to something closer
> to the spam cutoff value so that words that do not occur in
> wordlist.db get a higher score.
> (the mail below is a variation penis enlargement mail) and slipped
> through bogofilter with a spamicity of 0.414806
> Regards Manvendra

Hello Manvendra,

The purpose of robx below 0.5 is to bias bogofilter towards false
negatives, rather than false positives.  Most of us would rather see
spam than lose important messages.  Robx is part of how this happens.

Of course, you are free to change the parameters to meet your spam
filtering goals.  That's why command line and config file options have
been provided to set them :-)



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