spam with random words

Lars Bungum lars.bungum at
Mon Jan 12 15:54:09 CET 2004

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 12:42, Boris 'pi' Piwinger wrote:
> T. Horsnell (tsh) wrote:
> > Since Christmas we have started getting spam which consists
> > mainly of a couple of URLs embedded in a stream of random
> > dictionary words thus:
> Random words don't really hurt, because they are not significant
> [example message]
> Any reason you put the message here? This will spoil some
> people's database.


certainly.  This message was counted as ham in my database.  Will
running "bogofilter -n msg.msg" on this message (spam part of it) be
enough to rectify?

Lars Bungum                            <lb at> <OpenPGP: E2C5C0A2>
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