bogofilter -u let's spam come through

Tom Allison tallison at
Sat Feb 21 00:48:35 CET 2004

Eric Wood wrote:
> Eric Wood wrote:
>># bogoutil -d ./wordlist.db | bogoutil -l ./new.db
>># mv ./new.db ./wordlist.db
> I chmod ugo+rw wordlist.db and "bogofilter -u" is behaving correctly again.
> Egg on my face.
> Thanks David,
> -Eric Wood

That was the problem?
I see, can't '-u' what you can 'w', eh?

I would really not have gone with the ugw+rw option.  That's setting 
your wordlist to world rw which is generally a bad thing.

I would think you could get away with 600 since you are the only one who 
should be accessing it.  Referencing my wordlist, it's 600 and works OK.

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