Decode=?ISO-8859-1?subject lines?

Matthias Andree matthias.andree at
Thu Feb 19 14:44:53 CET 2004

On Thu, 19 Feb 2004, Geoff wrote:

> Procmail applies bogofilter and sends the spam to an
> ordinary directory.  I periodically run as simple shell
> script to grep the subject fields to check to false
> positves. A significant proportion of the spam has an
> encoded subject line commencing=?ISO-8859-1?. I assume that
> this almost inevitably means that the mail is spam and can

Nope. The western and northern parts of Europe, as well as central and
south Americas need these encodings to transport their national
characters. Only people who definitely don't know other languages than
US English will not see this tag in regular mail.

> be safely discarded, but I would like to be able to read it
> just in case.  I have googled a good deal, but have not been
> able to find script or utility which will decode such lines
> and which I could incorporate into my shell script.  Can
> anyone point me to one please?

reformime that ships with maildrop should handle this, see the -h

Matthias Andree

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