Unfilterable spam (shock horror)

Gyepi SAM gyepi at praxis-sw.com
Thu Feb 5 21:55:16 CET 2004

On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 03:36:14PM +0000, Geoff wrote:
> This may be slightly interesting to some.  If it is the
> worst we have to worry about then I am pretty relaxed.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3458457.stm

A smart spammer could, for each target domain a.com, grab the contents of
http://www.a.com and spike that domain's spam with the words from the
page, which would make great decoy words.

I imagine this would be most effective against companies, but even
private isp clients may be susceptible. This could take a long time to run,
so the spammer could maintain a database of domains and decoy words which is
infrequently updated.

I am definitely less sanguine than you are.


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