Linux permissions question

Chris Wilkes cwilkes-bf at
Thu Apr 1 20:02:11 CEST 2004

On Thu, Apr 01, 2004 at 01:41:02AM -0800, Chris Fortune wrote:
> This is not strictly a bogofilter problem, but I know there are some
> experienced *nix admins here, so.... I have bogofilter running from a
> perl cgi script with the `backtick` operator like so:
> $res = `bogofilter -Td/home/uzername/.bogofilter/ < $temp_file 2>&1`;

You could use the -I switch:
  $res = `bogofilter -Td/home/uzername/.bogofilter/ -I $temp_file`;

> This works remarkably well when triggered from the Internet (or even
> from wget), but doesn't work at all when run from a cron job, like so:
> crontab entry:
> */10 * * * * perl /home/uzername/www/
> launch.cgi:
> chdir("/home/uzername/www/");
> `perl >> /home/uzername/logs/log.txt`;
> results in log.txt:
> Bogofilter: sh:, 0%

Not knowing what your script looks like you might want to make it a
little more generic, like in your crontab run
   /usr/bin/launch.cgi uzername
and have in the launch.cgi a way to grab the uzername and do the work.

I wrote a simple perl module to do the bogofilter command line tools for
me.  The module is here:
and you use it like so:

  use Mail::Bogofilter;
  my ($homedir, $bf, $makespamdir, @files, @scores);
  $homedir = "/home/cwilkes";
  $bf = Mail::Bogofilter->new("$homedir/.bogofilter");
  $makespamdir = "$homedir/.makespam/cur";
  opendir (FOO, $makespamdir);
    @files = grep { -f $_ } map { "$makespamdir/$_" } readdir FOO;
  close FOO;
  @scores = $bf->getScoresInArray();
  print "Current scores are @scores\n";
  @scores = $bf->getScoresInArray();
  print "New scores are @scores\n";

If there's any interest in it I can clean up the code a bit and put some
perldoc in there as well.  Mail me offlist if you have any questions.


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