breaking the training db

Jef Poskanzer jef at
Tue Sep 23 01:37:08 CEST 2003

>only handle by bulk erasing and bouncing anything that remotely looks
>like windows active content (I thought W32.Sobig.? had been nasty, but
>then came Swen, and it's really close to DoS: 30 worms received per hour

Swen is a peculiar one.  I got hit harder by SoBig.F than almost
anyone else - 4000/hour, plus bounces! - but I've gotten maybe
30 Swens total.  I'm hearing widely varying numbers from other
folks too, some are getting happered by Swen like you and some
are getting barely any like me.  Dunno.

         Jef Poskanzer  jef at

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