Upgrade from 11.2

David Relson relson at osagesoftware.com
Sat Nov 29 14:00:23 CET 2003

On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 23:37:15 -0600
Lee Carr <lcarr at uninterruptible.com> wrote:

> I'm currently using 0.11.2 on Solaris 9 with Postfix and I want
> to upgrade to current stable. Do you know of particular things
> I should look for when upgrading? Or should I do a two-step
> upgrade to get to a one db wordlist version first before going to
> the latest version?
> Thanks,
> Lee

Hello Lee,

Since 0.11 there have been a lot of parser changes to improve the
discrimination between spam and ham.  If you have enough ham and spam
messages saved, the best thing to do would be build a totally new
wordlist using the saved messages.  That will give you a set of tokens
with the two biggest parsing changes, i.e. are case sensitive and have
the prefix tags on header tokens.  If that path isn't possible, then
install the new version, run bogoupgrade (to merge the separate
wordlists into a combined wordlist), and run bogofilter with options "-H
-Pd" which will turn on "degeneration".  Degeneration tells bogofilter
to try "harder" when matching tokens.  For example, if "test" is in the
wordlist and "Test" is in a new message, they don't match because of
upper/lower case differences, but degeneration will try different forms
of "Test" and will (after a bit) match it to "test".

Given all the changes, be prepared to monitor the results and do
training when bogofilter makes an error.  Of course, you're already
doing that, but additional vigilance is a good idea after the major
upgrade you're planning.



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