any opinions of

Eric Wood eric at
Tue Nov 4 18:48:52 CET 2003

Jef Poskanzer wrote:
> Yes, I have an opinion.  It's written in perl, therefore it's crap.
> I mean, I assume I'm not the only one who switched from spamassassin
> to bogofilter at least in part to avoid running perl in my mail
> delivery chain. Can I get a show of hands?

Whew, I'm glad you said that.  I steered away from MIMEDefang just because I
couldn't resolve the hoards of perl dependancy problems on my RH 7.3 box and
I didn't want to upgrade at the moment.

Would there be a benefit a "true" bogomilter to drop SMTP connections on
spam.  Seems like sending "undeliverable" message back to the spammer don't
really work (assuming a good reply-to address) because they ignore it.  But
if we drop the connection, then that would be a "hard" error and spammer
software may take note of that and start removing emails addresses.

I willing to do some funding for this if people thinks it's a good idea.
More thoughts?
-eric wood

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