What's the best way to integrate Bogofilter with Sendmail

Jeff Kinz jkinz at kinz.org
Wed May 28 18:31:44 CEST 2003

Hi all.

I would like to have BF (Bogofilter) scan all the mail coming into
the domains I administrate/support, rather then procmailing per user.

Hopefully this will reduce BF overhead by only running BF once
on emails which are delivered to multiple recipients in the same domain.

Three main questions arise:

#1.	Is this a reasonable thing to do? IE., do the benefits outweigh
	the costs?

#2.	What is the best way to integrate BF with Sendmail? (use BF
	as a milter?)

#3.	How do you enable multiple user's to feedback their spam "positives"
	that got through BF back into the BF corpus? (or is this be done
	exactly the same way as for a single BF user?)

Jeff Kinz, Open-PC, Emergent Research,  Hudson, MA.  jkinz at kinz.org
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