invalid html warfare

Peter Jaques clarinet at
Wed May 28 03:38:13 CEST 2003

silly me, the message wasn't text/html...

On 27 May 03,  8:07PM, David Relson wrote:
> It's good that you have the latest version.  I wonder why you're getting a 
> different result than I am.  Must be a significant detail about which I 
> don't know.
> The quick parser check is to use "bogolexer -p -C" which prints the tokens 
> (using bogofilter's default settings).  Is the mail labeled text/html?  If 
> not, html parsing rules don't apply.  If you still can't figure what's 
> going on, gzip the message and send it to me so I can take a look at it.

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