invalid html warfare

David Relson relson at
Tue May 27 21:13:08 CEST 2003

At 02:10 PM 5/27/03, John McCain wrote:
>I know there's been some changes in how bogofilter deals with html, but I'm a
>little fuzzy on some details.  What's the current wisdom on dealing with html
>evil such as:
>invalid tags used to break up spammy words:
>invalid garbage text trailing the </html> tag:
>blah blah blah
>If these two lines are all you see, please view the source of this message.
>hurgle snort ckuxoc kloooccc mnkm
>koiccc ic


Works fine on my machine.  FWIW, I'm running bogofilter- :-)  I'll 
bet you're running an older version :-(

Download the newer version.  It worked for my simple test case 
"vi<jccmkcol>a<bmcc>gr<junk>a".  It should work for your message.

Please, let me know how it goes.


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