Format of X-Bogosity line

Jake Di Toro karrde+bogofilter at
Thu May 22 17:01:53 CEST 2003

Is there anyway to control the format of the X-Bogosity line in the
config file.  I though I remeber refrences to it in the past, but am
unable to find anything in the manual of FAQ.

I'm deploying out to my whole system, and I'd like to pare down the
information that is given in the line to minimise confusion, since my
users (wife and kids) aren't being given any more information that to
sort based on the Yes/No. I wouldn't mind a line like the following:

	 X-Bogosity: Yes, test=bf-0.12.3

Is this something that was just talked about but never implemented?
Or am I just missing something obvious.

Till Later, Jake <karrde+bogofilter at>
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