Setting Max token size

David Relson relson at
Tue May 20 23:51:56 CEST 2003

At 05:22 PM 5/20/03, Dave Stubbs wrote:
>I looked through the man page and docs, but couldn't find anything.  Maybe 
>I'm blind.
>Is there a way to set the maximum token length on the command line or in 
>the config file?
>I'm looking for an easy way to get bogofilter to stop tokenizing those big 
>7-bit-character strings that make up file attachments...


Bogofilter has no such message, which is why you couldn't find it.

MAXTOKENLEN = 30 is built into the code via a #define statement.  It cannot 
be changed except by editing source code and recompiling.

Bogofilter recognizes mime types text and message.  Tokens from unknown 
mime types are ignored, i.e. not looked up in the wordlists and not 
included in the spam score.


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