New Options [was: casefolding]

David Relson relson at
Thu May 15 13:10:30 CEST 2003

At 03:05 AM 5/15/03, Boris 'pi' Piwinger wrote:

>David Relson <relson at> wrote:
> >Thus "-P" is followed by one or more
> >letters from the following:
> >
> >'c' (or 'C') to disable (or enable) strict comment checking ("<!--" ...
> >"-->" vs "<!" ... ">)
> >'f' (or 'F') to disable (or enable) case folding (upper to lower)
> >'h' (or 'H') to disable (or enable) header line tagging
> >'t' (or 'T') to disable (or enable) parsing of html tags A, FONT, and IMG
>Config file options would be good.


They exist.  I didn't mention them because they're several days old and I 
didn't think to mention them.  The config file can include:


The code supporting the first two options is in the cvs repository.  The 
code for the third is not yet publicly available.  The flex code 
understands the needed syntax and does the right things to support 
it.  However, the code uses unput() which means that it will die under 
certain known circumstances.  I need to modify the supporting code so that 
unput() isn't used.  At that time, the code will be committed to cvs. (If 
anyone wants a copy of the current patch, let me know off-list).


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