Including html-tag contents may be unnecessary

Tony L. Svanstrom tony at
Mon May 12 16:33:08 CEST 2003

On Mon, 12 May 2003 the voices made David Relson write:

DR> I confess that I still don't grok how values "2" and "4" would affect
DR> bogofilter's behavior.  Can you write some simple perl that would
DR> illustrate your idea?

 In pseudo-bayesian talk:

 If we look at the 10 best tokens to tell if the e-mail is spam then my idea is
set the value of some of them as either "pure spam" or "pure ham" even before
we start looking at the e-mail.

 In procmail it could be used like this:

# E-mails from this person are almost never spam, but the sender could be
# forged; so we "hardcode" 3/10 tokens as pure ham before looking at the
# e-mail.
* ^From.*mygf at dom.tld
	| bogofilter -u 1

# Almost all ham to this address is in a different language than the spam
# I get to this address; so we set 2/10 tokens as pure spam.
* ^To:.*myoldaddress at dom.tld
	| bogofilter -u 4

 Those are, of course, very simple examples; one might want to use an already
existing scoring- (man procmailsc) based spamfilter and just add bogofilter at
the end of it; which would be a lot easier to do if you could give the results
of it to bogofilter, instead of bogofilter "ignoring" the previous work and
starting from scratch.

  | Per scientiam ad libertatem! (Through knowledge towards freedom!) |
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