multiple virtual users on then same system user

Eric Persson eric at
Mon Jun 16 11:42:24 CEST 2003


I previously used bogofilter on my personal mail server with great 
satisfaction, it took almost all of my spam away and kept the good ham 
part for my inbox. ;)

I have now set up a new mailserver and would like to use bogofilter on 
this one to, the difference is that I have set up a 
mysql-virtual-maildir-user soloution which prevents me from using the 
default homepaths for users. I've been looking at the command line 
options for bogofilter, but noone seems to be able to change the users 
home path. I would like to be able to use something like bogofilter -d 
/home/mail/users/ but I cant find the 
possibility, maybe its possible when using a config file?

Have anyone else a soloution to this?

Best regards,

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