Bug in tuning.sh? (was: Understanding tuning results)

Boris 'pi' Piwinger 3.14 at logic.univie.ac.at
Thu Jun 12 16:26:05 CEST 2003

Boris 'pi' Piwinger wrote:

> Again, robs is not siginificant at all. That cannot be
> correct. Is anybody else seeing that?

I don't understand anything in tuning.sh, but the following
makes me wonder:

getco $md 0.10 $rs r0.ns.mc r1.ns.mc r2.ns.mc

So there is a fixed 0.10! I would expects both optional
values next to each other.

Then the function:

function getco () {
    opts="-m$1 -o$2"
    shift ; shift ; shift
    res=`cat $* | bogofilter -t -c $CFG $opts -v 2>&1

So md (min_dev) is set as min_dev, *nothing* is set for
robs. Further, 0.1 is set as spam_cutoff. rs (robs) is used
as a file?

Should the above line read as follows:
opts="-m$1,$3 -o$2"

And why a fixed value for spam_cutoff that low? Why in that


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