Cats and dogs

Peter Bishop pgb at
Fri Jul 4 21:22:26 CEST 2003

It occurs to me that I could use the train-on-error idea in a different

I currently use a common database (for multiple accounts)
and I use a "spamtrap" account  to update the spamlist database

The spamlist is getting pretty big now (>2000 messages), so
rather than cutting off the spam feed completely, I could:

1) first classify the spamtrap email using bogofilter
2) if the test results in No or Unsure, add the message 
    to the spamlist database.

I think this would give most of the benefit of the full spam feed
without expanding the database too much.

In case you are wondering why I worry about database size,
my bogofilter runs on an outsourced mail server supplied by our ISP
and there is a hard limit on available disk storage.

Peter Bishop 
pgb at
pgb at

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