Compilation problem with bogofilter-

David Relson relson at
Fri Jan 31 21:15:06 CET 2003

At 02:40 PM 1/31/03, Nick Simicich wrote:
>At 11:53 AM 2003-01-31 +0100, Matthias Andree wrote:
>>The problem is we didn't include sys/types.h before using u_int32_t,
>>that cannot work.
>, of course, also requires this patch to compile on my system.
>Same tests fail.


The #Include patch will be in  Let's see if we can figure what 
else is wrong.

Looking at robx.20030130/output.vvv, lines 241 and 242 both end with 
"from".  Actually the second line has "from ".  Does your copy of token.c 
have the following code at/near line 210:

     while (yyleng > 1 && yytext[yyleng-1] == ' ') {
         yyleng -= 1;
         yytext[yyleng] = '\0';

I hope the answer is "No" because that's the code to trim the trailing 
blank that I see in output.vvv.


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