bogofilter's default algorithm

Allyn Fratkin allyn at
Wed Jan 22 04:37:19 CET 2003

David Relson wrote:
> Greetings,
> One of the big questions amongst the bogofilter developers is:
>     What algorithms are people using with bogofilter?

i was using graham at first (obviously), tried robinson a few months back,
didn't like it (misclassified spams that graham would have caught) and went
back to graham for awhile.  i did eventually rebuild my databases and
switch to robinson and it is performing well now.  note that i have
not done any of the tweaking to modify the cutoff values.  i just don't
know how and haven't had time/incentive to learn.

i tried fisher over the last 3 or 4 days  and it misclassified 7
spams that robinson would have caught.  again with default cutoffs.
my procmailrc loses the "unsure" classification and unsure messages get
mapped into ham.  so it is likely that the 7 spams were unsure.
but i don't know how to tweak the cutoffs and i suspect that many
other users aren't interested in that either.

my vote would be keeping robinson as the default algorithm because it
seems to work better "out of the box" without tweaking.  power users that
are interested in tweaking can switch to fisher and get better results
(theoretically) but with more work involved.
Allyn Fratkin             allyn at
Escondido, CA   

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