extreme wierdness with RF & 0.10.0

David Relson relson at osagesoftware.com
Tue Jan 21 05:23:09 CET 2003

At 11:09 PM 1/20/03, Barry Gould wrote:

>At 10:53 PM 1/20/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>>Patch is attached.  Before patching run "make -s check" to verify that 
>>you can build and run without trouble on your machine.  Then patch.  Then 
>>"make -s check" to verify that there's been no regression.  Then test for 
>>"extreme weirdness".
>The patch fixes the weird output. The bogosity score is about the same, 
>but I'll take it's word for it.

I do too.  I've learned that any particular 2 or 3 words have very little 
effect on the result.

>Running with -n once brings the score to 0.00
>Looks like maybe I should start using -u again.

I use it and like it.  Greg thinks it's a bad idea.

>I quit using it before due to some false negatives that were getting 
>through and polluting the good data, esp as my users weren't letting me 
>know about them. sigh...
>BTW, on the make -s check, I got the following before and after the patch:
>Making check in bogoutil
>Running test 1
>Running test 2
>Running test 3
>Found a message count of [4] in db. Throwing away text file count of [1]
>Running test 4
>This database appears to have been upgraded already.
>But there's no harm in doing it again.
>PASS: driver.sh
>PASS: t.dump.load
>All 2 tests passed
>Is that message count anything of concern?

The important bit is "All x tests passed".  The regression tests create the 
own wordlists (in temporarily created directories) so that they know 
_exactly_ what's in the wordlists and so that the output of the test can be 
compared for an _exact_ match to the reference output included in the 
"tests" directory and its subdirectories.

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