extreme wierdness with RF & 0.10.0

Barry Gould BarryGould at pennysaverusa.net
Tue Jan 21 04:28:20 CET 2003

At 10:12 PM 1/20/2003 -0500, David Relson wrote:

>What are the values of .MSG_COUNT?  "bogofilter -w /path/to/wordlists 
>.MSG_COUNT" will give the info.

                        spam   good
.MSG_COUNT             8252  31411

>Graham allows up to 4 points (repetitions) per token per message, so a 
>token's count can easily exceed the number of messages in the word 
>list.  Robinson uses a max of 1 (instead of 4).  I'll bet that "for", 
>"pennysaverusa.net", and "from" are in _every_ message you have, often 
>moree than once.  I can generate a quick patch to that'll make those big 
>scores go away.  Are you up for building from source?

I sure am.


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